
i have great convos w/shama.

Shama: Here, have a pretzel
Me: Thanks. (puts in mouth)
Shama: Are they stale?
(yes. yes, they were.)

(we became friends at Concordia)
Me: Just think, where would we be now if we didn't go to Concordia together?
Shama: Happier.
(awww, thanks.)

Shama: If something happened to our roomie, we don't know her last name, sn, phone number, or e-mail.
Me: What's your point? (after 30 seconds of laughter) Maybe that's why my last roomate hated me so much.

Me: Ach was grouchy on the phone.
Shama: I think she'd be happier if you went down on her.
(needless to say...no, i don't think she would be.)

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