
So incredilbly fuckin bored.


-first grade teacher's name: Mrs Heimer, I think.
-last word you said: Bye.
-last song you sang: Supersize Me, Toothpick
-last thing you laughed at: Futurama. “I don’t like lilies! Your first wife liked lilies!!” “My first wife also liked to shut up!”
-last time you cried: Last night..PRESENT.
-what's in your cd player: XF season 2 disc 5 is on my comp. My CD player in the living room has XF: The Album.
-what color socks are you wearing: black w/brown and white spots.
-what's under your bed: dresser…food…laundry…probably a whole bunch of pics that fell from my wall.
-what time did you wake up today: 14h. Was drinkin and playin Texas hold em w/some buds til 7.


-what is your career going to be: um…making money.
-where are you going to live: Probably Roch.
-how many kids do you want: 3.
-what kind of car will you drive: An energy efficient one.


-hair: yes, I currently have hair. It’s brown and goes to just above my tat.
-clothes: socks. pj pants. tank. mustangs jersey.
-jewelry: necklace and 3 rings.
-annoyance: me.
-smell: I have a peach candle burning. Note to self: candle wax + keyboard = bad.
-longing: happiness.
-desktop picture: Mmmm Billy Boyd.
-favorite music artist: Dave Matthews. But that’s always.
-book: Hocus Pocus, Kurt Vonnegut. THHG, Douglas Adams. The Silmarilion, J.R.R. Tolkein. America the Book, The Daily Show. Where the Sidewalk Ends, Shel Silverstein. Text books.
-worry: My mom. She’s got a bad cold and she starts her new job on the 31st. She has to commute to the cities.
-hate: not knowing everything.
-story behind your username: ninny13…my nick name and my fave num.
-favorite article of clothing: Concordia sweatshirt.
-favorite physical feature on a boy: their face.
-one person you wish was here right now: it’s always. but it’s impossible.
-line from the last thing you wrote to someone: “k”. Chan was telling me how Shams might not go bowling w/him and his friends.
-i am happiest when: I’m happy.
-i feel lonely when: loneliness is a choice.
-favorite authors: Vonnegut, Adams, Tolkein. Noon. Grisham. Damn hardback. Why must it come out first and cost so much more?!
-do you think too much: um…I don’t know. Do I? I mean, I could, but then again, I’m not sure. It might depend on some things or it might not. But I can’t figure it out yet.
-if you could live anywhere in the world, where: here. I can’t live without my family.
-famous person you have met: How famous is famous? I’ve met a few celebs at the Shjon Podein Children’s Foundation, like Brad Paisley and Matt Damon.
-do you have any regrets: I regret nothing.
-sex or love: both. any.
-favorite coffee: French vanilla cap.
-favorite smell: depends on what memory it brings.
-what makes you mad: worrying.
-favorite way to waste time: XF, movies. surfing the net: ebaums, collegehumor, etc. painting nails.
-what is your best quality: uh
-are in currently in love/lust: no.
-what's the craziest thing you have ever done: I don’t do crazy things.
-any bad habits: many.
-do you find it hard to trust people: I’m far too cynical to trust people.
-last thing you bought yourself: Books: Hocos Pocus, Vonnegut and Vurt, Jeff Noon.
-bath or shower: shower. I miss my hot tub, tho.
-favorite season: winter. unless where I am at has no snow. Then it’s summer.
-favorite color: black.
-favorite time of day: when it is dark out.
-gold or silver: silver
-any secret crushes: maybe.


-how many coats and jackets do you own: probably a lot, but I only use 4. winter, fall/spring, rain, and my mom just bought me a new coat bc my winter coat has lots of holes in it. it’s at home right now, so I can’t very well use it. The other coats I have will be taken to good will or salvation at some point.
-favorite pants color: Black. And I hate jeans.
-most expensive item of clothing: probably my conc. sweatshirt. or my roughriders or UNH jersey.
-most treasured: Conc sweatshirt and jerseys.


-do your friends know you: Some, probably.
-can you count on them: I hope so.
-can they count on you: Yes.


-book you read: America the Book. Yes, I’m rereading it.
-movie you saw: I’m in the middle of Finding Neverland. The last full movie I was was…um… Harold and Kumar. Chanman gets movies from blockbuster. Wait, no. It was Fight Club. But I wasn’t really paying any attention.
-movie you saw on the big screen: Meet the Fockers, I think.
-show you watched on tv: Futurama.
-song you heard: Float on, Modest Mouse is on currently. Run, Snow Patrol was on before that.
-thing you had to drink: Currently drinking Squirt. I think I had Pibb before that.
-thing you ate: mac and cheese w/shrimp.
-time you showered: round 16h today.
-time you smiled: when I was watching Futurama.
-time you laughed: See above.
-person you hugged: um…my dad, I think.
-person you kissed: wow…that would have been a long time ago. last yearish, I think. I can’t even remember. Maybe Jeff. I think. In October sometime.
-person you talked to online: Chan.
-person you talked to on the phone: My mom and dad.


-smoke: no
-do drugs: no
-drink: occasionally.
-sleep with stuffed animals: with my bug, always.
-have a dream that keeps coming back: parts do, yes.
-play an instrument: piano, French horn, trumpet.
-believe there is life on other planets: If there’s not, it’s a big waste of space.
-read the newspaper: I read the MN Daily and The Onion. Otherwise I get it from the net.
-have any gay or lesbian friends: Yes.
-believe in miracles: no.
-consider yourself tolerant: I hope so.
-consider police a friend or foe: Depends.
-like the taste of alchohol: Yes.
-have a favorite stooge: Nope.
-believe in astrology: No.
-pray: Never.
-go to church: Not if I can help it.
-have any secrets: Doesn’t everyone?
-have any pets: My pup Abby.
-go or plan to attened college: Am. Go rodents. er gophers. woo.
-talk to strangers: Yes.
-have any piercings: ears
-have any tattoos: 2. soon to be at least 4.
-hate yourself: Not at the moment.
-wish on stars: When I can see them. Living in a city sucks in that respects.
-like your handwriting: it’s the only one I got.
-believe in witches: In the fact that people practice witchcraft and believe in it and such, yes.
-believe in ghosts: No.
-believe in santa: No.
-believe in the easter bunny: No. I like bunny tho.
-believe in the tooth fairy: No.
-sing in the shower: Sometimes.

And I'm still bored.

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