
Poetry Corner!

Poor Mack

Poor Mack, she died at sea
body ravaged by the waves
crashing mightily
water full of unspent rage
wind blowing all around
chilling her through to her bones
wailing violently
like a whore the wind did moan

Poor Ron, he died at home
smoky ash filling air
choking easily
growing layer upon layer
flames licking skin
tearing flesh without concern
feasting savagely
black and crispy well-done burns

Poor Sil, she died outside
pavement hard and strong and bold
crushing fearlessly
unforgiving and ice cold
gravity sucks
wanting all for its own
pulling greedily
bringing all to its home

Poor Del, he died alone
bloody knife in his grip
slicing carefully
down the drain life slowly dripped
heart slowly stops
silent screams are what he hears
piercing constantly
darkened sight turns back to clear

Poor Sam, she died of age
lungs sadly giving in
wheezing audibly
oxygen wearing thin
time wore on
sending her to her doom
ticking gravely
thirteen months is way too soon.

Poor Jack, he died of love
he just couldn’t take the pressure
filling gradually
like a device used for torture
emotions run too far
striking deep within the core
drowning carelessly
too thirsty to beg for more

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