
Poetry Corner!


I close my eyes...
Fiery grey blue eyes pierce through me.
I cower, but do not look away.
A misty deep surges through my veins
drawing my breath away.
My lungs beg for air but I dare not break the electric silence.
Your grey blues soften and air rushes past my lips.
I delicately walk over, to heal as to not make a noise.

I take a chance...
My fingers mingle in your smooth brown hair
and tremble as I gently graze the edge of your ear.
The skin is so soft it's as if rough oceans alone shaped it.
My lower lip trembles.
I whimper.
Droplets form at the bottom of my lids threatening to fall.

Do I dare...
My lips ease towards your moistened mouth.
Your nectar breath lingers in the air and I cannot help but take it in.
My eyes flicker but I cannot take the chance
of you fading away.
Our lips melt together as one.
My tongue inquisitively explores just how tender your lips are.
Precariously my tongue slips past your lips.
The heat of your mouth envelops me
and I am lost within your touch.
I falter and close my eyes.

I open my eyes...
There is Nothing.

This is why I dare not sleep.

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